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CRJ/Helo Crash at DCA comments

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2025 10:12 pm
by scottrsellers
Below is an educational excerpt from an exchange with a friend who is a 737 Captain based at DCA/IAD that regularly flies the Potomac River visual approaches to DCA mixing with military helicopter traffic.
We formerly lived in Maryland for 17 years so flew in/around the DCA Class B frequently. We experienced numerous near misses with military aircraft which were memorable, and regularly declined vectors to avoid traffic or other routing so were comparing notes with our friend. Here are his comments:

Scott, you're 💯
I learned a lot flying around the area both 121 and GA. Thank gawd for ForeFlight ...that thing has saved my life many times.

Be good enough to maintain SA(situational awareness) inside (airspeed) the plane and out (where is everyone's at) Then think about how you fit into all this. Don't count on atc or pattern calls...pretty sad stuff to hear and watch the videos of this coming up.

Knowing where the Helios routes operated and what alt helped me keep SA through the years going into there.
I remember one time I checked in with tower~the military pilots are on a separate frequency, but the tower can be heard on both. He starts asking where Pat XX location is ... apparently the dude decided it was appropriate to fly directly in the center of the runway in DCA at 500 ft. I don't care who you are who you're flying that's just pure ignorance. I fly with a lot of ex mil that stayed in the DC area telling me all the higher ups they've flown ...I'm usually thinking "after that last visual, I wouldn't let you fly my mother in-law".
Zero sense of airspeed or SA control.

I've stopped my descent many times after spotting a helio on the Wilson bridge on the MT. Vernon visual doing stupid things ...or over Roslyn on the river visual.

Just can't help but think there were two 20 year olds holding on to the yoke as they're floating in the icy Potomac thinking of their lost chances at a mainline interview as they froze to death today...