There’s a delay in launching the above video, but its worth the wait for close up view of main landing gear failure. See https://www.yahoo.com/news/plane-lands-concord-airport-landing-152523879.html
The C210(nearly identical landing gear as R182) Main Landing Gear flops loosely in trail on final approach, then bounces off the runway at touch down before sliding to a stop. Meanwhile the Nose Landing Gear is down & locked, protecting the prop & engine from damage. We asked Cessna expert Paul New to review and advise on the cause of this scenario. Paul’s comments are as follows:
Hello Paul,
What would cause the above condition – insufficient hydraulic fluid? MLG downlock actuator failure on both sides? MLG actuator bolts backed out of both sides?
Thanks for any comments.
Scott Sellers
From: Paul New
Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2024 9:48 AM
To: Scott Sellers <scott@CessnaR182.com>
Cc: Michael Pattison <mike@CessnaR182.com>
Subject: Re: Content for CPA R182 class as discussed at OSH
Low fluid level would be the first and most likely thing to check.
A sudden leak in the system, like a failed hose or loose fitting, would be next. The nose gear easily free falls into its lock. The mains free fall into trail but hydraulic pressure is required to get them up into the saddles.
It wouldn’t be a download issue because the gear legs never got into the saddles. Even if the downlocks failed, the system pressure will hold the gear against the saddles.
It wouldn’t be main gear actuators because the likelihood of both failing at the same time is nearly impossible.
On Fri, Aug 9, 2024 at 8:15 AM <scott@cessnar182.com> wrote:
Thanks Paul for the explanation. Do you mind if I share it with the R182 group?
This is great motivation for people to check reservoir hydraulic fluid levels more regularly.
From: Paul New
Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2024 9:48 AM
To: Scott Sellers <scott@CessnaR182.com>
Cc: Michael Pattison <mike@CessnaR182.com>
Subject: Re: Content for CPA R182 class as discussed at OSH
Happy for you to share. The hydraulic reservoir should be a part of every pre-flight just like checking the engine oil.
Do you check your hydraulic fluid level as a pre-flight item? Add this plus pre & post flight leak checks of the landing gear system for best practice.