Mike Pattison

While acting as a United Airlines Boeing 787 First Officer, Mike Pattison continues to enjoy general aviation flying with his well equipped 1969 C150J and 1982 300 HP IO540 R182. Being Southern California based, he is known for extensive Baja California bush flying in his 150 and enjoys actively flight instructing, glider and Seaplane flying. He looks forward to channeling his passions for our beloved Cessna R182!
Scott Sellers

Scott is a 30 year hands-on Cessna owner(Cardinal, 182, R182) and former writer for Cessna Owner Organization based in SE WI. He owns an Air Plains 300hp R182 with Robertson STOL conversion and is partners in a PA22-150 TriPacer. Scott connected with Mike Pattison to launch the Cessna R182 Owners & Pilots group.
Matt Van Bergen

Matt has been flying Cessnas for over six years now, starting with a trusty Cessna 182P before upgrading to his current ride—a 1982 Cessna R182, which isn’t going anywhere anytime soon! Along with a love for high-wing Cessnas, he’s got a passion for gentleman-level aerobatics. For over eight years, he’s been the proud owner of a 2008 American Champion Super Decathlon, perfect for chasing blue skies and thrilling maneuvers. As if that wasn’t enough, the aviation bug bit hard enough to push him into building a Christen Eagle II a few years back. It’s been a labor of love (and patience), but he’s finally buckling down to get it finished—maybe two more years? Fingers crossed!
Matt’s love for aviation started early—around age 8—when he practically lived at the local RC airplane club field. Life eventually took him on detours (you know, girls, sports, college, marriage, all that), but he finally earned his Private Pilot Certificate in June 2016. Since then, he’s added a tailwheel endorsement, an Instrument Rating, and a Commercial Rating. Life has been good!